farewell, my dear avocado

I crave you
and your buttery green flesh

you travel the world
to accompany my egg and toast breakfast
any day of the year

you spend weeks in a cooled chamber
cross the ocean in a large container
to finally ripen in a warm chamber near your port of debarkation
ensuring you are perfect for me
every day you were perfect
my delicious ready-to-eat avocado

for many years you travelled two months
from tree to mouth to satisfy my needs

and now it is time to say goodbye
I will greet you in the grocery store
remember what we had with a warm heart

someone told me to sacrifice
not the idea of what growth means
but my love for you

farewell, my dear avocado


Danwatch, an independent investigative media and research centre published an article on the Chilean avocado's journey to Europe. The avocados are often picked months earlier before being sold in our supermarkets as 'ready to eat' avocado. This poem explores the implications of these travels on our climate and how to individually cut emissions.
