attribution revolution

just a few days after a disaster
the media wants to know
how much more rain?
how many degrees hotter?
how many times more likely to occur?
otherwise, they tend to forget there's a link with climate change

attribution scientists
keep telling your invaluable stories
recurring reminders of the expected horror if we don't cut emissions
pour yourself another coffee at 3AM
Time was absolutely right
spotlighting two, crucial to telling attribution's might


In 2014, the World Weather Attribution (WWA) initiative was founded. Their aim is ‘to provide robust assessments on the role of climate change in the aftermath of an extreme event.’ Time Magazine included the WWA leadership, Friederike Otto from the University of Oxford and Geert Jan van Oldenborgh from the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute, in their ‘100 Most Influential People of 2021’ list. 
